Friday, January 21, 2011

Growth Chart

We will be doing the much anticipated growth charts. They will be 6 feet in length. There are several options for these charts, making the price determined by the options you pick. Because the boards are so long, they will be pre-painted or polyurethaned depending on your choice of wood or MDF. The basic kit will include the inch markings and the numbers 0-6 in vinyl. You can choose the basic kit in high quality pine wood with a polyurethane protective coat or the MDF board basic kit which includes your choice of paint color: white, light blue, light pink, or light green. We also have a "Watch Me Grow!" embellishment for your board, if you want. You can choose your flower color separate from the words.

Pictured here are two samples that we made. The right one is the wood option with the basic kit. It is made to be flush with the floor. The left one has the "Watch Me Grow!" embellishment and is meant to be hung 1 foot off the floor. We will be selling these samples at craft night, if you like one and don't want to make it yourself. The wood yardstick version is $50.00 and the white MDF with pink lettering is $42.50. Please let us know in an email ( if you are interested in purchasing one of these sample. First come, first serve.

The following are the various font options for numbers and any embellishments you would like on your growth chart.

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