Monday, May 17, 2010

Christmas Countdown Blocks

I found a tutorial online for these and thought they were so fun! Morgan and I made our own little "kit" for these blocks. and then turned the "kit" into this! So cute, huh?

Please specify which Christmas color you would like the paper to be, red, green or blue/white. We can't promise we'll be able to have the exact color scheme you ask for since Christmas scrapbook paper is hard to come by this time of year, but I do have a lot of paper I bought last Christmas and we'll try. If anyone has any Christmas scrapbook paper you'd be willing to sell, I'd love to take it off your hands. Just email me. Also, we'll have a variety of Christmas colored paints available for painting your blocks and base. The vinyl comes in red, white or beige. Beige is pictured above.

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