Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chocolate Roses

My friend, Cassie is doing these super cute chocolate roses for a craft night soon. I won't be able to go, but they just looked so fun, I had to make them! I got 3 dozen made in about an hour and a half. (One bag of Hershey Kisses=36 roses) They were super easy and fun to make. Son #2 already ate one, so I'm down to 35, now. My boys are going to be giving these to their teachers for Valentine's day.

I discovered after making them that I don't have a wide-mouthed vase, so I'm using a pitcher to store them until we get around to giving them out. You can also see all the crafting supplies I picked up this morning with my boys. I've got to do something since I can't be in the garage painting right now. We've been having record lows in Tucson lately and it's driving me nuts! My dressers were supposed to be finished by now, and instead I'm forced to do other things.


Cassie said...

They look awesome! Aren't they so fun/easy to make! Oh and on another note, always enter giveaways! You never know, you might win if you keep at it! I've won 4 or 5 times in the last 4 months! Just enter everything :) Hope you're doing great and that it warms up so you can finish up the dressers!

Lyndsey said...

So cute!!! and YUMMY!!!!


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